This program is a implementation of shunting yard algorithm to convert an infix expression to post fix expression, This is a extension of the stack program published earlier
Algorithm:(Taken from wikipedia)
- While there are tokens to be read:
- Read a token .
- If the token is a number, then add it to the output queue.
- If the token is a function token, then push it onto the stack.
- If the token is a function argument separator (e.g., a comma):
- Until the topmost element of the stack is a left parenthesis, pop the element from the stack and push it onto the output queue. If no left parentheses are encountered, either the separator was misplaced or parentheses were mismatched.
- If the token is an operator, o1, then:
- while there is an operator, o2, at the top of the stack, and either
- o1 is associative or left-associative and its precedence is less than (lower precedence) or equal to that of o2, or
- o1 is right-associative and its precedence is less than (lower precedence) that of o2,
- pop o2 off the stack, onto the output queue;
- push o1 onto the stack.
- If the token is a left parenthesis, then push it onto the stack.
- If the token is a right parenthesis:
- Until the token at the top of the stack is a left parenthesis, pop operators off the stack onto the output queue.
- Pop the left parenthesis from the stack, but not onto the output queue.
- If the token at the top of the stack is a function token, pop it and onto the output queue.
- If the stack runs out without finding a left parenthesis, then there are mismatched parentheses.
- When there are no more tokens to read:
- While there are still operator tokens in the stack:
- If the operator token on the top of the stack is a parenthesis, then there are mismatched parenthesis.
- Pop the operator onto the output queue.
- Exit.
#include <stdio.h> #define size 10 char stack[size]; int tos=0,ele; void push(); char pop(); void show(); int isempty(); int isfull(); char infix[30],output[30]; int prec(char); int main() { int i=0,j=0,k=0,length; char temp; printf("\nEnter an infix expression:"); scanf("%s",infix); printf("\nThe infix expresson is %s",infix); length=strlen(infix); for(i=0;i<= prec(stack[tos-1]) ) { temp=pop(); printf("\n the poped element is :%c",temp); output[j++]=temp; push(infix[i]); printf("\n The pushed element is :%c",infix[i]); show(); } else { push(infix[i]); printf("\nThe pushed element is:%c",infix[i]); show(); } } else { if(infix[i]=='(') { push(infix[i]); printf("\nThe pushed-- element is:%c",infix[i]); } if(infix[i]==')') { temp=pop(); while(temp!='(') {output[j++]=temp; printf("\nThe element added to Q is:%c",temp); //temp=pop(); printf("\n the poped element is :%c",temp); temp=pop();} } } } } printf("\nthe infix expression is: %s",output); } while(tos!=0) { output[j++]=pop(); } printf("the infix expression is: %s\n",output); } //Functions for operations on stack void push(int ele) { stack[tos]=ele; tos++; } char pop() { tos--; return(stack[tos]); } void show() { int x=tos; printf("--The Stack elements are....."); while(x!=0) printf("%c, ",stack[--x]); } //Function to get the precedence of an operator int prec(char symbol) { if(symbol== '(') return 0; if(symbol== ')') return 0; if(symbol=='+' || symbol=='-') return 1; if(symbol=='*' || symbol=='/') return 2; if(symbol=='^') return 3; return 0; }